1820: Spanish ports are opened to Philippine trade and commerce and Philippine goods are granted preferential entry for a period of ten years.
1852: Birth of Gregorio Sanciangco y Gozon, lawyer, writer, economist. Gregorio Gozon Sanciangco wrote “El Progreso De Filipinas” which advocated reforms in the political, administrative, agrarian, revenues, property, natural resources and urban development and taxation. Died on November 27, 1897.
1867: Birth of Tomas Remigio, Katipunan leader and revolutionary hero. Tomas Remigio a secretary of "Mayon" which was a branch of La Liga Filipina and used the pseudonym "Malingap". Died on August 1, 1916.
1898: The revolutionalists of Zambales besiege the cable station at Bolinao and seize the telegraphic line between that town and Manila. Filipino rebels attack Balincaguin, Pangasinan, and dislodge the Spanish defenders from their positions. The town of Anda, Pangasinan, also takes up arms and imprisons the Spanish curate.
1899: Apolinario Mabini writes Emilio Aguinaldo that Antonio Luna has submitted his irrevocable resignation as Chief of Operations. The Philippine Republic approves a “Provisional Law on the Judiciary” and a “Pension Law for War Widows, Orphans, and Disabled Officers.” The Twentieth regular Infantry takes part in an attack led by General Hale’s brigade, on several thousand Filipinos near the Pasig River. General Hale withdraws to the positions he occupied in the morning and the Filipinos follow in force, reoccupying lost ground.
1901: In Palanan, President Emilio Aguinaldo receives a letter from Mabini in Manila dated November 22, 1900, transmitting messages from US General Arthur MacArthur and J.F. Bell to the effect that independence cannot be granted, and that Aguinaldo should return to Manila and live in Malacañang Palace with MacArthur. Mabini asks Aguinaldo whether he should plead for independence or for autonomy, now that McKinley has been re-elected.
1947: Leaders of the Nacionalista Party, such as Camilo Osias, Jose P. Laurel, Tomas Confessor, Felicisimo Serrano, Salvador Araneta, campaign for the rejection of the Parity Amendment.