1521: Ferdinand Magellan sights the Islas de Velas or Ladrones, later renamed Marianas in honor of Maria Ana of Austria, Queen Regent of Spain. The Marianas and specifically the island of Guam were a stopover for Spanish galleons en route from Acapulco, Mexico to Manila, Philippines in a convoy known as the Galeon de Manila. The Marianas remained a Spanish colony under the general government of the Philippines until 1898, when, as a result of the Spanish-American War, Spain ceded Guam to the United States.
1608: Philip III tries to put a stop to the abuses of the Spanish authorities in the Islands by means of a strongly-worded cedula. He especially objects to the drafting of workers during the planting and harvesting seasons and to unjust levies.
1872: Birth of Victorino Carrion, musician, in Quiapo, Manila. Victorino Carrion was an operatic singer best known for his role as Teñong, in the Severino Reyes zarzuela, Walang Sugat. He and fellow actor Maria Carpena were among the first Filipino recording artists. His father was Balbino Carrion, a tenor and the lead singer of the Quiapo Church choir during the 1800s. Died on May 9, 1935.
1899: A force of Filipinos, said to be the largest body yet encountered east of Manila, resists the advance by General Hale’s brigade on Santolan and Mariquina. Apolinario Mabini sends President Aguinaldo a complaint against the arbitrary acts committed by General Antonio Luna. Mabini writes that to be shot to death without summary trial is a punishment that cannot be enforced except among savages.
1901: Apolinario Mabini writes a letter informing the President of his conference with William H. Taft regarding the Philippine question. The latter replied that the U.S. could not recognize Philippine independence.
1921: Hilaria del Rosario de Aguinaldo dies. Hilaria was the first wife of General Emilio Aguinaldo, the first President of the Philippines (1898-1901). Emilio Aguinaldo married her on New Year's Day, 1896, the very same day he joined the Katipunan, the secret societ y that would initiate the Philippine Revolution .

1947: President Roxas declares the Hukbalahap illegal, as it is alleged to have been organized and maintained to commit sedition and to overthrow the government by force. In the following months, the Huks lay low and occupy themselves with the organization of urban workers and the activation of labor unions. Labor unions are integrated into the Congress of Labor organization, headed by Jose and Jesus Lava.
1966: The Santo Tomas University Hospital is formally inaugurated. The University of Santo Tomas Hospital (simply UST Hospital or USTH) is located inside the España, Manila Campus of University of Santo Tomas. It was founded in 1577 as San Juan de Dios Hospital that became the clinical training institution of medical students of University of Santo Tomas.
2001: Exiled communist leader Jose Ma. Sison expresses his group’s willingness to reopen peace talks with the government through a letter sent to President Arroyo from Utretch, Netherlands, where the founding chair of the Communist NDF takes refuge. Exiled communist leader Jose Ma. Sison expresses his group’s willingness to reopen peace talks with the government through a letter sent to President Arroyo from Utretch, Netherlands, where the founding chair of the Communist NDF takes refuge. The Communist NDF withdrew from talks in 1999 in protest over the senate ratification of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA).